Friday, April 24, 2015

Ore Reprocessing Changes -- Mosaic

With the Mosaic update, null sec ores are having their minerals changed. Below are tables showing old versus new. As with my previous ore reprocessing table, the units are in Minerals Per 100 m3.
Beware that some minerals are being reduced or eliminated from some ores. In particular, CCP seems to be forcing players to sink even more skill points into mining and train for Bistot and Arkonor in order to effectively mine Zydrine and Megacyte, whereas previously players could get by mining other ores like Gneiss and Spodumain for those minerals.
Note: The Chg values will appear off by a value of 1 on some rows; this is because the numbers are actually fractional but are being rounded to the nearest whole number (with the exception of Mercoxit which was rounded to 1 decimal place). The data is shown in two tables instead of one largely just to improve layout on the page.
High-Sec Minerals Per 100 m3
Tritanium Pyerite Mexallon Isogen
OldNewChg OldNewChg OldNewChg OldNewChg
Veldspar 4,1504,150 00 00 00
Scordite 2,3072,307 1,1531,153 00 00
Pyroxeres 1,1701,170 8383 167167 00
Plagioclase 306306 609609 306306 00
Omber 142142 5757 00 142142
Kernite 112112 00 223223 112112
Jaspet 360-36 610-61 72175103 00
Hemorphite 60733673 240-24 60-6 203314
Hedbergite 00 27333306 00 65671
Gneiss 2560-256 0440440 256480224 486012
Dark Ochre 1,1011,250150 00 00 0200200
Crokite 1,3121,3131 00 00 00
Spodumain 2,4513,5001,049 311753442 0131131 02828
Bistot 00 1,036750-286 00 00
Arkonor 4321,375943 00 8015676 00
Mercoxit 00 00 00 00

Null-Sec Minerals Per 100 m3
Nocxium Zydrine Megacyte Morphite
Old New Chg Old New Chg Old New Chg Old New Chg
Veldspar 00 00 00 00
Scordite 00 00 00 00
Pyroxeres 1717 00 00 00
Plagioclase 00 00 00 00
Omber 00 00 00 00
Kernite 00 00 00 00
Jaspet 36382 243 00 00
Hemorphite 39401 352 00 00
Hedbergite 33331 363 00 00
Gneiss 00 120-12 00 00
Dark Ochre 2215-7 110-11 00 00
Crokite 174830 238-15 00 00
Spodumain 00 00 50-5 00
Bistot 00 152813 76-1 00
Arkonor 00 70-7 14206 00
Mercoxit 00 00 00

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Freighter Escort and Bumper Clearing Service

Have a bumper pilot you want dead? Don't have the manpower to conduct a wardec? Are the bumpers hiding in npc corporations? Your search ends here. With this new business proposition you can haul your freight and sell it too.

This is a new business proposition that is not yet active.  Initially, I'm looking to see how much interest there is in using and participating in this service.  If you are interested in either aspect, please mail me in game.  I will track interest and review player histories of interested parties.

There are two initial services that could be provided: for now, I will refer to them as freighter escort and bumper clearing.


Freighter Escort

Freighter escort would be for any freighter pilot who wants added protection for a shipment.  Contracts would be arranged in private and clients would need to have a clean player history with no ties to high-sec ganking activity.  Freighters would be escorted by a fleet large enough to discourange and, if necessary, violently remove bumpers who interfere with the shipment.  Partial payment up front, refundable if freighter is lost to gankers.


Bumper Clearing

Bumper clearing is more of a bounty program.  If any bumper has been harrassing a high-sec area and you want them to pay a price for their criminal activities, you can offer a bounty to the service.  Parameters of the bounty could be negotiated.  A likely bounty would be one with a time limit, partial payment up front (maybe 10%), refundable if the bumper isn't brought to justice within the time limit.  Once a bounty is active, the service will actively seek out the bumper and destroy his or her ship (generally limited to Machariels, ship types will be defined as part of the bounty contract).  After the bumper ship is destroyed, the remainder of the bounty is to be paid. 

All of this is subject to revision and dependent on player interest.  Mail Scott Bacon in game with a summary of your character history and what aspect of the service you would be interested in.