Saturday, June 28, 2014

Cloak + Microwarpdrive "Trick"

If you haven't heard of the Cloak + Microwarpdrive trick, it's a means of greatly improving your chance of escaping a gate camp that requires the use of an Improved Cloaking Device and an appropriately sized Microwarpdrive.  You can read more about it here:

While most of what you need to know is covered in the article I linked, there are a few notes I would like to add regarding my own experience while testing out this technique.

First, after warping into a new system and being under gate cloak, I had some trouble with activating the ship cloak after doing the Align To.  I need to do more testing on this, but on occasion I get the error message saying I can't do what I'm trying to do while being under the gate cloak.  So beware of this.  I am currently trying to do more testing to narrow down why and when exactly this happens.

Second -- and it's odd none of the tutorials seem to even give a passing mention of this -- the Power Grid needs on an Industrial ship are a problem and might take some effort to overcome.  Take for example the medium-sized Gallente Industrial ships.  To use this technique on such ships, you need a 10MN Microwarpdrive.  A 10MN Microwardrive requires 150 MW of power grid.  Now look at the total Power Grid for Gallente T1 Industrial ships:

ShipPower Grid (Base MW)
Nereus (general purpose)215
Epithal (planetary commodities)130
Miasmos (ore)120
Kryos (mineral)110
Iteron Mark V (large general purpose)85

Only the Nereus has enough base Power Grid to equip a 10MN Microwarpdrive, and that's without considering fitting anything else. Luckily, there are some things that can help.

First and foremost, the Power Grid Management skill, which adds 5% Power Grid bonus per level. That's pretty significant. For example, I currently have Power Grid Management level 4, which means a 20% bonus. For a Miasmos, that takes the Power Grid up from 120 to a much better 144. Almost enough!

Second, you can equip Power Diagnostic System I or II modules. These give similar bonuses to the Power Grid Management skill. If I add a couple of Power Diagonstic System I modules to my Miasmos, that puts me far enough over 150 MW to fit the Microwarpdrive. Or you can get Micro Auxiliary Power Core modules.  These add a fixed amount of Power Grid, and can also get you to where you need to be.  Another option, if a rig would be better, is a Medium Ancillary Current Router (for medium rig slots).  The cloak requires minimal Power Grid, and the Industrials generally have plenty of CPU, so now we are in business!

There are also implants that can help, but I don't have the details on those at the moment.

I hope this helps get you flying safely!  Good luck out there!

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