So this blog has already seen some page hits. Time to provide a little more information to clarify my standing. Alot of those hits come from the gankerbumping blog If you didn't come from there, go check it out*.
* Cautionary Note: The owner of gankerbumping blog switched to the side of the gankers towards the end of 2014. This should be kept in mind when reviewing the content of that blog.
Ultimately, Eve is just a game. So lets keep our gaming hats on.
Not long ago, I learned about CODE when someone suggested getting a miners permit. A what? A little research lead me to the minerbumping website and the "Code": Before I got to that web page, I thought maybe it was a legitimate business arrangement. After, I realized it was not.
Your BS alarms should immediately start going off in your head upon reading over their website. Two points in particular I will make:
1) They request a 10 million payment but offer nothing in return, other than maybe not ganking you, nor do they provide any explanation of what that money will be used for (although we can probably guess it's to pay for more ships to gank you with).
2) Upon being suicide ganked, the Code says a miner should congratulate the ganker on his success.
That right there should be enough to convince you never to give them any ISK that they don't have to kill you for.
The sad thing is, I agree with a lot of the mining etiquette issues that is part of their Code. Miners should not be AFK, ganking is part of the game, people should remain mostly courteous and refrain from profanity -- things like this I can agree with. But expecting a miner to congratulate a ganker? That's as bad as whining about getting ganked.
I can imagine a business where mining permits would actually make sense. But this isn't it. And with nothing offered for your 10 million mining permit nor any indication of how it will serve any good purpose, the 10 million is really just an advanced form of begging. And with that, CODE, I mock thee.
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