Monday, January 22, 2018

NPC Damage Types and Weaknesses

This year, I'm going to try to post more immediately useful Eve information.  Even though it's available many other places on the web already, I want my own set of pages hosted here that provide all the reference information of interest.  Today that means a table of NPC damage types and weaknesses.

NPCDamage TypeWeakness Type
Faction EMKiThExEMKiThExShip Alias
Amarr X X O
Angel X X X X OGist
Blood RaiderX X O Corp
Caldari X X O
Gallente X X O
Gurista X X O
Khanid X X O
Minmatar X X X X O
Mordu X X O
Rogue Drone X X X X O
Sansha X X O
Serpentis X X O Core


  1. Dont forget antiganking moderator - kalynn shardani - killed his infant child and then himself in real life. Scott Bacon supports these types of people.

    1. I'm leaving these posts instead of deleting them so that people will know what a horrible person Wolf Soprano is. I don't know if he is mentally ill, or what, but please ignore anything he says. He is obviously not right in the head, as posts like this clearly demonstrate.

    2. Scott Bacon are you really defending someone who murdered there child and then themselves because they were upset over a video game? nobody reads your blog anyway XD Xd
