Friday, July 4, 2014

Going Anti-Gank PvP on July 15, 2014

Sometimes people lament about not enough capsuleers joining in on efforts to thwart gankers.  I've been wanting to get in on the action and help, but the problem is I have several semi-expensive implants to boost training speed that I don't want to risk losing in PvP.  From the beginning, I have said that once I get a core set of skills complete, I would join in on the action.

But then there is the thought of something always being "around the next corner", or "next week", and being in an endless loop of delays.  I don't want to fall into that trap, so I'm setting a date.  On July 15, 2014, I am officially joining the ranks of the anti-gank militia.  It is my hope, in time, to assist in improving the anti-gank strength and coordination across all of high security space.  And perhaps, just maybe, someday becoming a champion in it's ranks.

I do not plan to be exclusively an anti-gank soldier.  I plan to continue my missions and industrial operations as my core activities, but I will commit to making a strong effort to assist the anti-gank community on a regular basis whenever gank activity flares.  I have already starting preparing some ships for the cause.

Fly safe, my fellow industrialists, and look for me in the skies.  Be reminded that our cause is just, our will is strong, and that when gankers are near, you will see this law pig out in space dishing out a piece of the Bacon!

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