Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Meta Matters

Even if you haven't heard the term Meta before, you have probably noticed that there are different variations of each ship Tech 1 (T1) equipment type.  The base T1 item -- the kind you can make with a blueprint -- is Meta 0.  You can see the Meta level on the Attributes tab of the item information window.  Meta levels range 0 - 4, and there is usually one item for each Meta level.  However, the naming of each is often less than obvious. 

Meta 1 - 4 items drop as loot from NPC ships.  Meta 1 - 4 items give you an opportunity to use an upgraded item before you have the ability to use the Tech 2 (T2) version of the item.  Also, on the market, they cost less than the T2 items.  And cost is where I have an interesting point to make.

Meta 4 items, being the closest to T2 as you can get without actually using T2, are pretty popular and generally go for high prices on the market, though still less costly than T2.  However, if you aren't dead set on using the absolute best available, you can often get Meta 1 - 3 items at very affordable prices.  In fact, quite often, I find them to be cheaper than the Meta 0 T1 items!  Meta 0 T1 items are often manufactured by someone trying to make a profit on them.  But Meta 1 - 3 items are often looted and sold for whatever missioners can get rid of them for.

For any equipment you don't manufacture yourself, this gives you an opportunity to both boost your ships attributes and save money at the same time.  You might not know what the Meta 1 - 3 items are called, so just look up the Meta 0 T1 item and look at the Variations tab to find out what the Meta 1 - 3 names are.  Then check the prices of each on the market.  Buy whatever gives you the most bang for your buck.

The downside, as an industrialist, is that it brings into question the value of manufacturing T1 items.  There may not be much value in blueprints until you have the skills to either improve them or manufacture T2 items.

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