Monday, August 4, 2014

A Mandate For Good Behavior

I am beginning work on something a little more official in the anti-gank arena, and it actually goes beyond anti-ganking and addresses behavior in general.  I currently call it the Eve Principles of Interstellar Conduct (EPIC).  This will be a long term effort, as I skill up further and eventually gain fleet bonuses that I can use to command security fleets.  These fleets will be used to enforce the EPIC.  I do this on behalf of all Eve capsuleers, and in representation of my corporation, Maximum Q, as part of the Maximum Q security operations division.

I hope for this to become a more coordinated and collaborative effort over time.  I don't  aspire to be the leader, but I will be training to lead should better commanders not be ahead of me.  I welcome feedback on the EMM and will work with like minded people, revising it as needed, even changing it's name if so desired.  Below is the initial draft:

Eve Principles of Interstellar Conduct (Draft Copy)

The Eve Principles of Interstellar Conduct serves as a reminder to all Eve capsuleers to behave with good conduct in Eve space, and acts as an order to take corrective actions against those who are in violation of the good conduct listed herein.

Eve is a conflict and combat rich environment.  While good manners are always important to maintaining a healthy community, this is especially true in an adversarial environment such as Eve.  In service to ensuring a healthy community in Eve, all capsuleers, corporations, and alliances are expected to adhere to the following:
  1. With the exception of faction warfare, active war declarations, or actions against criminals (a.k.a. flashy reds), aggressive actions against another capsuleer should be limited and not exceed what is reasonable:
    1. Bumping another capsuleer shall be limited to 4 minutes or less per bumpee per day.
    2. Kills of another capsuleer shall be limited to two ship kills, one pod kill, or 75 million in losses per day -- whichever occurs first -- unless said capsuleer approves of further conflict, is in low or null security space, or is subject to official discipline due to violations of this mandate.
    3. Aggressive actions of any kind against a capsuleer should be limited to two days per week unless said capsuleer approves of further conflict, is in low or null security space, or is subject to official discipline due to violations of this mandate. 
  2. Language that is offensive, gloating, or condescending is never appropriate.
  3. Spamming chat channels is never appropriate.
  4. Scamming other capsuleers is never appropriate.
Members of a corporation or alliance are considered to share the responsibility for the actions of their corporation or alliance.   Therefore, actions may be taken against any member of a corporation or alliance if said corporation or alliance is in violation of the principles of conduct.  Any member not wishing to share such responsibility with their organization should disband from said organization.

EPIC Enforcement

In time, a fleet or group of fleets will be assembled to enforce the EPIC.  Members will act as a democratic corporation or alliance, though the corporation or alliance need not be official.  Where and what will be enforced will be up to the will of the members.  Members must be in good standing and have reasonably good security standing (I would recommend -2 or higher). 

Obviously, at present time, the CODE. alliance would be a primary target of EPIC enforcement, until such time as they improve their conduct.  At this time, I am certain the CODE. alliance violates items 1a, 2, and 3.

There are already many "white knights" who honorably group up in adhoc fleets to oppose the criminal activities of CODE.  What this effort seeks to do is create a formal declaration and organization that can take more coordinated measures to protect the Eve community, not only from CODE. ganking, but from any alliance, corporation, or individual that goes too far in hurting others for their own benefit.  There has often been talk of better organizing anti-gank activities, but to date there has not been a lot of real progress to this end.   Maximum Q seeks to change that.  It will take time, but if some other coordinated effort doesn't manifest first, Maximum Q will answer the call.

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