Sunday, December 21, 2014

Ship Scanning Tool

One of the things I do not like doing in Eve is examining the fit of another ship using ship scanners.  I hate trying to keep track of how many of each slot type the ship being scanned has and what fittings I know about after repeated scans.  At first I tried tracking the fittings using a piece of paper and writing down what I had scanned so far.  Not content with that approach, I have now developed a simple Ship Scanning Tool that can handle much of the drudgery.  To keep it simple and portable, I wrote it using just HTML and Javascript.  The first iteration of it is below.  It should be pretty easy to copy it out if you want, run it offline, and modify it to your hearts content.  Feel free to try it out and provide feedback.

Ships and equipment can be preloaded into the Javascript, but for now I haven't included many ships or equipment.  However, if you don't want to run your own copy and load more data into the source, you don't have to.  For the ships, you can select Custom and use the drop downs to select how many high, medium, low, and rig slots it should have.  For equipment, any equipment not preloaded that gets scanned will be placed into an Unknown Slot group, and there are buttons for the user to set what slot each item in that group should belong to.  This will be remembered until the page is reloaded.

To use this tool, select the ship type you will be scanning, scan the ship in Eve, copy the scanned components from the Eve scan window and paste it into the text area, then press the Parse button.  Keep doing that until you have enough of the ship fitting as you think you need.  If you want to load the fitting into something like EFT to look at the EHP or whatever, press the Show Fitting XML button, and it will place the fitting XML into the text area.  Copy the contents to a text file with an xml extension, place it in the default Eve fittings folder on your hard drive, and you can load the fitting into EFT from there.

Press the Clear button before scanning a new ship to clear out the scanned items.

Select Ship Being Scanned

Input/Output - Paste Ship Scan Here

Ship Fitting


  1. I'll add more pre-loaded ship and equipment data over time. Please comment if you know of other similar tools people may be interested in.

  2. Made an update this morning so that it ignores blank lines when parsing. Also added a few equipment items to the preloaded list of equipment.

  3. Updated to escape HTML when parsing and added button to clear the text area. Label for button to clear the parsed fittings changed from Clear to Clear Fittings to remove any ambiguity in what it is clearing.

  4. Updated to fix issue with Parse button not working in the in-game browser (was due to use of JavaScript function not supported by in-game browser).

    Feel free to request I add more modules to the preloaded list. I'm being kind of lazy about adding more and might need someone to encourage me to fill it out more.

  5. This tool broke again awhile back when I was adding a tag (blog category) to it. For some reason blogspot adds some seemingly random carriage returns that breaks the JavaScript. I've fixed it again and will try to be more careful when editing pages with scripts in the future.

  6. Added a few new module types to the preloaded list.
