Friday, January 2, 2015

End of the Argument: Role Play vs Real Life

I'm making one last statement regarding the argument that who someone is in game does not reflect on who they are in real life, and the impact it has had on relations between CODE and the Anti-ganking (AG) community. 

This argument has been going round and round lately, and it's getting tired.  Forum participants are tired of it, Anti-ganking moderators are tired of it, everyone is getting tired of it.  So I'm saying one last piece and then letting it go.

I have never outright suggested that the average supporter of CODE is a bad person in real life.  What I have suggested and continue to believe is that by pushing the boundaries of role play too far (under the assumption that it is role play), they have made it very difficult for others to distinguish between role play and real life.  That the argument persists incessantly is evidence of that.  Some CODE supporters will say on forums or elsewhere that in game behavior does not reflect on who people are in real life, but their argument always ends there.  Have you ever seen one of these people step out of character about specific incidents and demonstrate that there is a good friendly person underneath?  I haven't.  Not to say it hasn't happened, but I haven't seen it.  I want to see it.  I haven't.  It makes their argument feel shallow and suspect.

Ultimately, it should be no surprise that some people continue to question the real life character of CODE members and affiliates.   It is the bed they have made for themselves.  They blame the AG community for not being able to tell the difference between role play and real life when it is they who bare much of the blame for making it so incredibly difficult to tell in the first place. 

I write this not to badger or berate CODE members and affiliates.  I write this hoping they will read it, consider my words carefully, and start to change the manner in which they conduct themselves.  I will take a leaf of faith and accept that the CODE community is mostly good people.  But you have to do something too.  Step out of character more often, leave the whole "tear collecting" meme behind, and try to show people that you are here to have fun and not just to trample on the fun of others.  Do that, and you will find many people, myself included, be much more amiable towards you.  I will never join you; I like playing the good guy; but I and many others would very much like to play against you with more a feeling of confidence that we play against friends.


  1. Google searched - Ganking Is bullying.

    Found this site.

    had laughs all around XD

    1. Tried a Google search myself on "Ganking is bullying". I didn't look past the first page, but this blog was not on the first page of results. However, since you all keep associating me with the ganking is bullying blog, I will make a post about it (after which, ironically, this blog may start appearing in the first page of search results).
